The Divine Liturgy and Our Worship of God — 20160403

Mystical Supper

Mystical Supper

The idea of anamnesis (anyone who has been reading my Bulletin should be well acquainted with this idea) is of particular relevance to us during this post-Pascha period. Why? Because it reminds us that the events we are celebrating are timeless and are taking place right now, albeit perhaps with a different cast of characters. We must either join ourselves with Jesus or we become a part of the rabble that crucified Him. It is all a matter of our choice and our willingness to make these events real to ourselves.

I truly realize that some may find it difficult to think of the events we are celebrating as taking place right now. We have ritualized the events that took place long ago. However, the events are meant to be revelatory, that is to teach us something about life and give us insights into how we can live life so that we experience the fullness of life.

Needless to say, the fullness of life is very closely connected with our experience of God’s presence in our lives. For this to happen, however, we must truly become people of FAITH.

As you already know, FAITH is not based on events or facts that we can prove. FAITH, which is a gift from God, allows us to embrace ideas that have the power to touch our very souls – based on ideas that seem to resonate with our very beings. It requires that we freely embrace these ideas and give ourselves to them 100 percent.  This also requires that we spend some time thinking about what we really think God is like and what is the meaning and purpose of our lives. I would hasten to remind my readers that each of us must discover the meaning and purpose of our life. There is not just one purpose that fits all, even though there might be some similarities. Each of us has been called into existence at this particular time to complete God’s universe. When our presence is no longer required to complete His creation, we are called to move on to the next dimension.

So I would encourage all of my readers to attempt to make what we celebrate REAL to themselves. Christ’s resurrection has revealed to us that our lives are immortal. What does this mean to you? Does this revelation change anything in your life? Does it change in any way how you think and behave?            Christ IS Risen!

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