theotokosAs I shared previously, the genius, therefore of healing of memories is that it is a way of praying that allows God to accomplish this task step by step, memory by memory. It is a way of praying that allows us to know His Love concretely, not abstractly. In praying about each memory, we are allow Jesus to “plant” Himself in various events all through our lives. By doing the, although it may be painful to recall past memories, we can be healed.

When we search the New Testament we find that Jesus often used the imagery of planting, caring for, and harvesting a field of grain or a vineyard to explain the movement of the Kingdom of God within each human being; and what is the Kingdom of God within us if it is not the presence of Jesus? As we present each memory to Jesus for Him to heal, He reveals His presence in that memory, thus planting Himself there. As His presence grows and matures in these memories, we grow and mature in Christ.

All of this is based on a particular understanding of human life. God has so designed human life that it presents to us the experiences and opportunities that are uniquely designed to help us grow in our understanding of God’s presence within us. Therefore we must find God in all past memories and see that He is there helping us to grow in the likeness of Jesus.

Another aspect of planting that is applicable to the way Jesus grows within us is the way some plants, for example bulb plants, divide and spread on their own. One year we may plant tulip bulbs one foot apart from each other, but after three or four years we will have a full bed of tulips because tulip bulbs multiply and spread underground every year. Similarly, as we “plant” Jesus in various times of our lives, He spreads His presence and His influence finally to encompass our entire lives. This is one of the meanings of the Parables of Great Assurance (Matthew 13:31-33), so called because they assure us of God’s continuing presence in our lives.

Take time to reflect on this. You will find it rewarding.

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