transfigurationIn Byzantine spirituality the emphasis on the communal does not, in any way, mean that the individual is lost in the crowd. The purpose of an individual’s life is to achieve the aim declared in St. Peter’s second letter: “To become partakers of the divine nature.” This idea of an individual’s “partaking of the divine nature” approaches blasphemy in some circles in Western Christianity. It was the basis for terrible controversies in the Middle Ages between St. Symeon of Thessalonica and an Italian monk, Barlaam of Calabria. Known as the hesychast controversy, it was especially critical because it centered on a fundamental difference in the understanding of communion with God through prayer, especially mystical or contemplative prayer.

Closely related to the idea of partaking in the divine nature is the consequence: being divinized, or become divine. There is a maxim often repeated by the ancient Fathers of the Church: God became human so that humanity could become divine! This process is called theosis in Greek and is a hallmark of Byzantine spirituality. The Byzantines agree that it is not possible for humans to know or share the divine essence, but they can receive the uncreated energy or truly divine grace of God. This grace divinizes them. The process can be compared to an iron being heated in a forge until it glows like the fire itself and obtains some of the properties of fire. This idea of partaking in the uncreated energy of God is for the most part foreign to Western Christianity. In the Byzantine tradition it is a key dimension of its spirituality.

We must always remember that becoming like God and partaking in His energy truly means becoming like God’s manifestation, Jesus, and being one with His energy. Theosis does not mean becoming like God in His very essence. Since, however, God joined Himself to human nature, it truly means becoming like Jesus.

While God provides all that is necessary for human salvation and perfection, the human person must accept and apply these gifts. Theosis is a cooperative process. We must recall that Jesus, the man, cooperated with God and did everything in His power to live like God inspired Him to live. Jesus, as man, cooperated with God. I know that this is difficult to really understand. That is truly why faith is needed. These are things we believe

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