Reflections on the Scriptural Readings for this Weekend — 20160529

callAs we worship today, we think about the sequence of events, as presented in the Gospels, that the Church places before us. The feast of Pentecost that we just celebrated, reveled to us that God has infused His Spirit into us to give us the strength and courage to work to become like Jesus.

After that celebration, we celebrated ALL SAINTS, which clearly revealed to us that the purpose of this earthly life is to help us become a saint, that is a person who has voluntarily chosen to do all in his/her power to become more like Jesus during this life on earth. Now today, we hear of the call that God has given to us to become His disciples, namely people who bear witness to His great love for humankind. Our Gospel this weekend relates the call of the First Disciples.

Our Epistle reading this weekend, which is taken from Paul’s Letter to the Romans, directly reveals to us that, because we are witnesses during this lifetime to God’s great love, that there is an “interior law” written in our hearts that calls us to be God’s disciples in our present world. True salvation is based on our free response to this call. God never forces us to respond to this call. Nevertheless the call is given to each of us.

As I think about these readings, I wonder how many of us really understand that we have been called to be God’s disciples – followers of Jesus and to be witnesses to this truth. I wonder whether we sense that there is an “interior law” within us that calls us to be authentic humans, that is humans who reflect God’s intent when He created us. And how can we become authentic humans? By attempting to become like Jesus, the archetype of how humans should live and be. I know that to think like this is a challenge. Our modern world does everything in its power to distract us from life’s primary purpose, namely to bring glory and honor to our Heavenly Father, our Maker and our God. Do you realize that this is your primary purpose?

One of the things that happens when we become too absorbed in living this earthly life is that we fail to realize the purpose of our life here on earth. We are here to make God’s Kingdom real. We are here to witness to the goodness of God. This is accomplished by being like Jesus.

It is my hope that my reflections might help you to whole heartedly seek to imitate Jesus, Our Lord and Our God.

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