Understanding Our Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church — 20160612

Picture1In the early Church the primary meaning of tradition was the delivery of Apostolic teaching. However, as heretical groups began to claim their teachings as true expressions of the Apostolic Tradition, Tradition came to be understood not only as the content of the true faith but also as its origin and manner of preservation. In part, this was discerned by asking groups such questions as: From where and whom does your teaching come – an apostle, or a church which had a relationship with an apostle? Are there references to the Scriptures, early creeds and worship practices which other apostolically recognized churches can confirm in your body? Has your teaching ever been altered?

The Gnostics could not justify their “unique” interpretations of the Bible.

(Gnosticism: Ancient Greek: γνωστικός gnostikos, having knowledge; from γνσις gnōsis, knowledge; a term categorizing a collection of ancient religions whose adherents shunned the material world. They viewed the world as created by the demiurge and embraced the spiritual world. The Church declared this as heretical).

Apostolic tradition revealed their explanations as bankrupt, and them as a fraud. They could make no appeal to a church founded by an apostle in their defense. They could not historically demonstrate its purity.

As the truth of the gospel must be received, believed and trusted before one can experientially know that truth, so it is with other things inspired by Tradition. Of course, an unbeliever’s rejection of Christian teaching does not make that teaching any less true by his rejection. But it is important to understand that the non-Christian cannot really perceive Christian doctrines as truth if he does not receive them and regulate his life by them. St. Paul wrote that the “natural [unspiritual] man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God [and therefore] he cannot understand them.” Tradition is one of the things given to the church by the Spirit.  Therefore it can never be the property of the unbeliever.

The ministry of Tradition is not primarily aimed at increasing our intellectual knowledge about God. Rather it seeks to bring us into true communion with God. Tradition is nothing less than the progressive, revealing presence of the Spirit Who brings spiritual life, renewal and growth. This is why our Church has embraced SACRED TRADITION!

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