Reflections on the Scriptural Readings for this Weekend — 20160626

4Ev-MariaLaachOur first reading this weekend is again taken from Paul’s Letter to the Romans. It has a truly wonderful description of fraternal charity. Paul tells us how to be like Christ. He writes:

Your love must be sincere…. Detest what is evil, cling to what is good. Love one another with the affection of brothers. Anticipate each other in showing respect…. Rejoice in hope, be patient under trial, persevere in prayer…. Bless your persecutors; bless and do not curse them.

There is much more in the verses of chapter 12. If you truly want to become more like Christ, I would encourage you to pick up your Bible and read this chapter again.

Our Gospel miracle story is again about Christ healing a paralytic. This particular healing story appears in all three Synoptic Gospels

Matthew 9:2-8
Mark 2:3-12
Luke 5:17-26

which means that the early Church thought it was significant to report.

Interestingly enough, this healing took place in Jesus’ home town, Capernaum, and is introduced in Matthew’s narrative by saying that Jesus returned from the Gadarene area by getting into a boat and crossing a body of water. Considering that water is one of the primary symbols of life, this healing story is presented as Christ truly giving life to the man. Further, Christ prefaces the healing by saying: Have courage, son, your sins are forgiven. This, of course, caused some scribes who were there to accuse Jesus, in their hearts, of blaspheming.

As I thought about these readings, this is what came to mind. First, Paul’s description of fraternal charity is exactly how Jesus lived. Sometimes in life we seem to be unable to live up to this standard – we are paralyzed in our ability to live like Jesus. Jesus can heal this type of paralysis – this type of sin – if only we come to Him and seek His healing. The scribes in the story demonstrated, by their judgment of Jesus, that they did not have fraternal charity – they were judgmental and spiritually paralyzed, even though they were religiously active. In truth they did not have the fullness of life.

Jesus demonstrates through this healing that He can cure spiritual and physical paralysis by showing (modeling) people how to live. He assures us that His way is the right way by showing His critics that He can not only forgive sin but also heal paralysis.

Think about these two readings and ask yourself what message they have for you. God speaks to us through such readings if only we open our hearts and minds to His message.

Don’t miss the chance to hear God’s message!

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