As I shared with you many times before, I believe that what most persons desire and true need is an understanding of the meaning and purpose of their lives. Many people are deluded, I think, in believing that the pursuit of happiness will bring them an understanding of the purpose of this life. Unfortunately, happiness is a fleeting feeling. It does not bring us internal peace. The only thing that will bring us internal peace, tranquility and true contentment, I believe, is to come to a real understanding of the meaning and purpose of our lives.

If you don’t have a real understanding of why you exist right now on earth, I think life can become very desperate. Jean Paul Sarte, an existential philosopher, truly believed that life in this world was absurd. He saw no real meaning and purpose in this earthly existence because he did not connect this earthly life with immortal life.

When you think about the fact that human life is immortal, namely that it goes on for all eternity, you then see that this earthly existence is meant to help us grow spiritually and develop psyches – to actually respond to God plan of providing us various experiences so that we might grow in the likeness of Jesus, the Christ. The goal of life, as God conceived it, was to grow in the likeness of Jesus, the prototype of a human person. He does not force us to love Him. Rather, He gave us a free will and various experiences in life that can, if we accept them as loving opportunities to grow, help me to come to a deeper understanding of His love for us and, therefore, cause us to desire to enter into a deeper union with Him.

True love only begets love! This is also a human truth. If you truly love someone you want others to truly love them also. You tend to share your loved ones with others. When we are selfish and jealous about the people we love, we don’t really love them, we use them to aggrandize ourselves. Because God loves us all, He desires that we love one another.

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