Universal Call to Holiness

Universal Call to Holiness

The call to holiness, expressed in yet another way, is a call to understand creation, which includes us humans, the way that God understands and knows it to be. We are called to a deeper understanding of creation as a way to gain a true understanding of ourselves. When we seriously study creation, we discover that it reveals God to us.

First, what does creation reveal to us about God? To answer this we must look at nature itself. In nature we find beauty, balance and perfect design. You only need to look at a flower to find these qualities. It seems that the only thing that robs nature of its beauty is what mankind does to it.

Second, think of some of the unique things that we find in creation. For example, think about such wondrous things as DNA, electricity, fire and the molecular structure of all things. While we know much about these things, they still have the power to truly amaze a curious mind.

Third, think about the unique powers of human beings. We are able to think, create, imagine, love, learn, be curious about things, be empathetic, and solve problems. We are able to design products and even transform abstract, imagined things into reality. We are able to reach out beyond the boundaries of our own minds and experiences. It seems that if we can imagine it, we can make it.

So the call to holiness is also a call to wonder at the magnificence and majesty of God. He has conceived the beauty that is infused in nature and He is the source of the powers that we possess as humans. The very intricate and magnificent design of our universe speaks of the omniscience of our God.

The call to holiness is a call to recognize our God within not only creation but also within us. It is He Who has conceived and continues to conceive this wonderful universe of which we are a part.

Then, when you add to a real wonderment of our universe the fact that its Creator unconditionally loves us, you have to pause and offer praise. Just take some time this week to stop and smell the roses.

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