Understanding Our Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church — 20160904

patcathGiven that God is the Authority in the Church, how are Christians practically to understand and perceive His authority? Each person experiences God’s authority as a member of His Church. He speaks Truth in and through a people united to Him and one another. For this reason every Church member is actively involved in the process of discerning His voice, and every Church member personally experiences the fruit of His government.

God’s authority is real and absolute, but it can only be communicated and encountered personally. It is not an abstract, de-personalized legal decree, something standing aloof from one’s need to be personally receptive. Parents are to use their authority to love, care for and nurture their children. If children ignore or misunderstand that authority, however, they will never experience the good fruit of that authority. It is an authority in principle, not in application.

In the same way, the Authority of God is witnessed to only when each of His children is in responsive communion with Him. Here, each Christian from a mutual love, takes a responsibility to be aware, sensitive and receptive. Apart from such an attentive love, God’s authority will not be manifest within humanity. The Father’s authority is intended only for those who desire to live as His children. Outside of the context of this familial relationship, God’s authority is mutated. From a personal authority of communion, it becomes a legal authority of laws. Authority again becomes an it instead of a who.

All this being said, it is important for each of us to realize our own personal responsibility to the spiritual community we belong to. The community is only as strong as its weakest link, the least involved member. We owe it to one another to become active in the community since each of us bring to the community the particular talents and insights given to us by God to share with the community. Becoming involved in a church community is not like going to a show where we don’t know anyone there and don’t really care about anyone there. Church is all about caring about and being supportive of the others who are there, worshipping God with you. Why? Because Paul has reminded us that we are the Body of Christ extended in time. All the parts of the body must be working together in harmony for the body to be effective in creating God’s Kingdom in the here and now. So ask yourself, Am I providing strength to my Christian community?

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