The Spirituality of the Christian East — 20160911

Ladder of Divine AccentIn this presentation of John Climacus’ Ladder of Divine Ascent I have now reached his 25th Step: HUMILILTY. John tells that:

Humility is constant forgetfulness of one’s achievements … the admission that in all the world one is the least important and is also the greatest sinner … It is the mind’s awareness that one is weak and helpless … and a grace in the soul and with a name known only to those who have had experience of it … It is also an awareness of who we are as God’s creation….

If pride is the sin that blinds us to reality, the passion that makes us think ourselves better than we really are, then humility is the virtue by which we see the truth. But if this is so, how is it that the saints never recognize their saintliness? Simply put: they see themselves in comparison to God. The sinfulness they see in themselves is the truth, because before God, who is infinitely holy, infinitely perfect, they cannot escape the reality of their unholiness and imperfection. Yet their response to this real sense of unworthiness is not one-sided. Along with their repentance and contrition there is indescribable joy, peace, gentleness and love. Why? Because they realize that God unconditionally loves them as they are. It is because they understand that their weaknesses are life’s gifts, given to them so that they might grow in their love of a Father Who does not demand perfection or accomplishments beyond their abilities, but Who only desires their voluntary and unconditional return of love as demonstrated by their willingness to love their neighbors as themselves.

Humility allows us to have an accurate idea of our strengths and weaknesses – to see ourselves as we truly are without any exaggeration. It also allows is to see ourselves as God’s creation, knowing that He has, from all eternity, called us by name to be His child. This is true humility. God created us and saw that we were good. Humility says this is true!

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