Understanding Our Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church — 20160911

1507060_848314515197967_2751624803318588973_nIn the last issue, you will remember, I began sharing information about the real authority in the Church. I shared that the Father’s authority is intended only for those who desire to live as His children. Outside of the context of this familial relationship, God’s authority is mutated. From a personal authority of communion it becomes a legal authority of laws. Authority again becomes an IT instead of a WHO. You will recall that this is exactly what happened in Judaism during the time of Jesus. God’s authority was no longer personal, it was juridical. Does that sound like today?

Here is an example of how the Church personally recognized God’s truth. There was a fervent debate within the first century Church about what was specifically required of Gentile converts. Must circumcision be required or is their faith in Christ enough? Do you remember how that controversy was resolved?

Paul found a Scripture in Matthew and said, “It says right here in the word… NO. Peter stood up and said, “as the representative of Christ on earth, I declare… NO.

The argument was settled when the Elder James referred to an oral saying of Jesus, “The words of our Lord, handed down to us, are very clear regarding this matter; we should…. Again, NO.

No one could make any reference to the words of Jesus to settle the controversy. No specific Scripture could be cited which immediately addressed the problem. No particular person was looked to as if he had been given God’s authority to declare the right teaching. Why? Because the New Testament had not yet been written. There was only oral tradition and that always depended upon the person who shared what he remembered.

How then did they come to a decision on the matter? They heard the testimony of the brethren gathered there and then looked to God’s Spirit to discern that testimony. Their resolve? “For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us” to lay upon them [the new coverts] no greater burden than they abstain from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication” (Acts 15:28). The Church may not have had the written canon, but she had the Spirit Christ promised. This promise was verified in their midst. They were not left as orphans. The Spirit of God gave them a firm witness to the Truth. As this promise proved true in that first council, so it would hold true in later centuries as well. Believe that the Spirit of God IS with us!

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