In the last issue I quoted the passage that we find in one of Peter’s letters which is the foundation for our idea of Theosis, the Eastern Church’s true spirituality. That passage accentuates one of the leading motifs in the Eastern Church’s understanding of salvation, namely release from the corruption and mortality caused by the evil desires of the world. Eastern theology does not focus so much on guilt as on mortality as the main problem of humanity. In addition, in the East, the concept of sin is viewed as something human beings do and chose for themselves rather than something “hereditary” as a result of the first human beings’ sin in the distant past. (Hopefully this does not come as a surprise to anyone who has consistently read my Bulletin). Cyril comments on the passage from St. Peter’s letter and notes that we are all called to participate in divinity, not just a few “saints.” That’s the true purpose and meaning of this earthly existence. Although Christ alone is God by nature, all people are called to become God “by participation.” In such participation we become likenesses of Christ.

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