As we celebrate the great mystery of God’s Incarnation as a human, we are reminded that the call to holiness is a call to take time and reflect upon the great revelation that God as made to us about human life through this action. It is important that we develop a genuine understanding of this action and the implications it has for the way we live. It is not an event that we can simply ignore if we are serious about our spiritual life. I would implore all of my readers to take time during this blessed season to think about what God is revealing to you as you celebrate this feast. Don’t just think about the story and how and what happened. Think about its meaning for you! The Church celebrates these feasts for a reason. That reason is to help us genuinely respond to God’s call to holiness. So make the most of the feast by allowing yourself to delve into God’s revelation. It is intended personally for you whether you are aware of it or not. The way our society, unfortunately, celebrates this feast, has helped distort its meaning for many. Don’t allow yourself to be diverted from the real meaning of Christmas. It really and truly is about your life!

The call to holiness is a call to having a genuine faith and a realistic understanding of our religion. We do not support superstition and our view and image of God is not of an all-powerful Judge who is just waiting to catch us in an infraction of some law so that He can punish us. He also did not establish a Church that threatens us with punishment if we do not obey its rules. This view is a distortion, in my humble opinion and faith, of what Jesus, Who is our God in human form, taught. I, like Him, truly believes that if we know how much we are loved we will do everything and anything to bring praise and honor to our Father. I, like Him, truly believes that life is given to us in order to become who God intended when He created us, namely His children. To be His children, we must undergo personal transformation.

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