I believe that we are “called to holiness” by God out of love. If we truly respond to this call, we begin to understand that our personal “salvation” is what transpires. So, it would seem that personal salvation is somehow connected to our real and true understanding of the meaning and purpose of this earthly existence. Further I believe that we are challenged to believe that this present life is only a small portion of the immortality which is ours – only a portion of eternal life.

The “call to holiness” requires that we come to a real understanding of the “meaning and purpose of life.” There is truly some reason why we have earthly existence. Our lives are not just some kind of accident and the result of truly undefined purpose.

So the “call to holiness” is a call to wrestle with the meaning and purpose of life. It requires that we attempt to find answers to such questions as: Why is life the way that it is? Why does life include suffering, pain, struggle and disappointment?

The “call to holiness” is actually a call to think seriously about life and not just live life.

To think seriously about life means to make every attempt to come to and true understanding of our personal attitudes and behaviors and what motivates them. To think seriously about life means to make a true assessment of our attitudes and behaviors and determine how they match up to the attitudes and behaviors of Jesus.

Once we seriously think about our life, the “call to holiness” asks us to change/transform our attitudes and behaviors, working to make them more like those of Jesus Christ. Christ, we must always remember, is God’s revelation to us about how we must live in order to truly be His children and to live like He intended human beings to live.

God intended us to live in a certain what for no other reasons than to achieve the fullness of life. To live His way achieves peace and contentment.

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