PRE-GREAT FAST — 20170212

I am sure that, on this weekend of the Prodigal Son, many might think that the focus might be on forgiveness. This, however is not the case. These weeks before the Great Fast are meant to remind us of the various dimensions of Metanoia (change of heart and mind). In order to truly embrace Metanoia, we must desire to “return from exile” or, even, “alienation from God.” We must desire to be more closely and intimately joined with God, feeling that this world does not offer us a sufficient understanding of the meaning and purpose of life. Only deeper union with God can truly give us an understanding of the meaning of this earthly existence. This earthly existence must cause within us a deep desire to truly live in God’s Kingdom – a place where love of neighbor abounds. It also reminds us that we must be the ones who desire to live in His Kingdom.

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