The Divine Liturgy and Our Worship of God — 20170219

Mystical Supper

What is also important to note about the prayer before Communion is that, if we are truly sincere and pray this prayer with genuine sincerity, our sins are forgiven. We ask God to “make me worthy to receive [Communion] for the remission of all my sins and for life ever-lasting.”

Once we have prayed this special pre-Communion prayer, the priest declares: “Approach now with fear of God, with faith and with love”. These are the conditions we must think of when we approach the chalice for Holy Communion. Faith is essential. Awe and fear of God is essential. And, of course, love is essential.

The response to the priest’s prayer is very special. It is: “Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord. God, the Lord, has revealed Himself to us.”

This should give us pause to stop and reflect upon our attitude as we approach Communion. Each of us must ask ourselves: Do I truly believe that what I receive in Communion is truly Christ and do I understand how He has revealed Himself to me?

Participation in the Divine Liturgy, if it is genuine and sincere, requires that we also receive Communion since this completes what we do together, we become more united to God because we have professed belief in His presence with us. Christ is truly present with us in the eating of the Sacred Transformed Bread and drinking the Sacred Transformed Wine. This is so confirmed by the prayer that the celebrant offers right after all have been communicated. He states: “Behold, this has touched our lips and shall take away our iniquities and shall cleanse us of our sins.” The sincere reception in faith of Holy Communion has, or should have, an impact on our lives. The ritual action of receiving the transformed gifts should put us into a deeper communion with God.

One way to make the experience of receiving Communion much more impactful is to think about what it means to you. It should spark your belief of God being with you. The ritual is only as powerful as you allow it to be in your life.

After this introductory prayer the celebrant says: “Save Your people, O God, and bless Your inheritance.” The response is:

We have seen the true light. We have received the heavenly Spirit. We have found the true faith and we worship the undivided Trinity, for the Trinity has saved us.

What is truly important is that we mean these words. DO YOU?


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