I don’t know if any of my readers have ever thought about this, but the purpose of this life on earth is to imitate Jesus Who worked to make God’s Kingdom real during His lifetime. If we truly become engaged in making our God’s Kingdom real during our lifetime, we will be changed – transformed into God’s children. For to work for the establishment of the Kingdom, we have to become people who see the importance of “love of neighbor”. Love of neighbor, however, requires that we are ready and willing to not only forgive our neighbors but also accept them as they are. This process changes us.

When we refuse to be bigoted, prejudiced, judgmental, hateful and unloving, we change and God’s Kingdom become a little more real in our world. We are the instruments that He has chosen to bring about His Kingdom in the here and now.

I find that when people only think about God’s Kingdom as something that will only transpire in the future after death, they are not as concerned about making it real at the present time. Jesus was concerned about transforming His society NOT IN THE FUTURE but DURING HIS LIFETIME. That is why He was willing to die in order to give true life to His teaching. It is only in the present moment that we can change. Now is the time to give ourselves to spiritually growth and development. This present life, as God designed it, allows us multiple opportunities to spiritually grow if only we seize the moment. AND, just keeping rules will not bring about spiritual development. Personal transformation is the result of actively trying to make ourselves grow in the image and likeness of Jesus. That is the primary task of life. That is the true meaning of life! Ask yourself this:

What does it mean to me to be a Christian?

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