Understanding Our Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church — 20170326

The feast of the Annunciation is one of the 12 major feasts of our Church. It recalls Mary’s conception of Jesus. Sometimes the story is so romanticized that we fail to realize the strength and courage of Mary. In the time of Jesus, girls entered marriage at the age of 12. She was betrothed to Joseph which meant she was preparing for marriage.

Sacred tradition tells us that she was probably only a young maiden about 12 years of age. Her parents, in thanksgiving for her birth, had placed her in the finishing school that was run by the Temple in Jerusalem. It was there that she learned the Sacred Scriptures and how to be a mother in accord with the rules of Judaism. She was well-acquainted with the history of Israel and especially the prophecies about the Messiah. While there, she found herself with child and was inspired to believe that the child would be special in Jewish history.

Angels have always been considered as messengers of God. The wonder of this story is that she demonstrated true trust in God. She knew that she didn’t do anything wrong and yet she found herself in a very precarious situation. Her parents and Joseph, her betrothed, knew of her faith and trust and therefore did not denounce her before the community.

I truly believe we lessen Mary’s courage and faith by insisting that she had some kind of vision wherein an angel actually announced to her that she was to be the mother of a child without being married. She trusted God and because she was a good, religious young woman, others also trusted her. The very important thing is that she willingly embraced the challenge that life presented and did not cease to believe and trust in God. She was rewarded with an amazing son, Jesus.

The entire story of how God came into the world – became incarnate – as a human is filled with persons who believed and trusted in God even though they may not have fully understood, initially, the true meaning of what life presented. Joachim, Anna, Joseph and Mary are all examples of persons who fully and completely trusted in God. They are true examples for us on how to live this earthly life. As we celebrate this feast today, let us ask them to help us develop a similar faith and trust in our God.

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