The call that God has given to us to be holy is a call to be united with Him for all eternity. He, of course, cannot force us to respond to this call since He gave us free will and because He created us in His image with the potential to grow in His likeness. The Feast of Pascha should erase all doubts in our minds that we have been called to be united to Him. Through the raising of His Son Jesus, He clearly revealed to us that it was His intent when He created us that we should be united with Him for all eternity. This is why I am emboldened to believe in His love.

If indeed God did not love us, He would not have gone to such great lengths to call us to holiness – call us to a deeper union with Him. If He did not love us, He would never have created us in His image and given us the potential to grow in His likeness. And yet we, and centuries of people before us, believe that He did and does this.

Now I realize that I cannot empirically prove any of this. It is a MATTER OF FAITH. All I do know is that this FAITH can make life easier to live. It provides something very important, I believe, and that is A MEANING AND PURPOSE FOR OUR LIVES. It provides me with a clear purpose, namely to actualize the potential I have to grow in God’s likeness. It provides me with an explanation of why life is as it is.

Today I would share my faith with you, my readers and encourage you to believe the wondrous revelation made to us by our God through the Person of Jesus, theChrist. It is the belief of our Church that God became a man in the Person of Jesus and then, after His death, rose from the dead to tell us quite clearly that human life IS eternal. Jesus is the Archetype of what God intended when He created humans. God poured His life and Spirit into His creation, which became known as man, so that He might share all that He has with man. Because the “power” that unites the Three Persons of our God is love, He is compelled to pour it out to others and share it.

Хрїстóсъ воскрéс!

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