The Spirituality of the Christian East — 20170528


In the Eastern Church, theosis is the understanding that human beings can have real union with God and so become like God to such a degree that we participate in the divine nature. It is a concept derived from the New Testament (NT) regarding the goal of our relationship with the Triune God. Many Christians who are a part of the Eastern Church, might find the concept of theosis unnerving, especially when hearing this quote from Athanasius: “God became man so that men might become gods,” they immediately fear an influence of Eastern mysticism from Hinduism or pantheism.

But such an influence could not be further from the Eastern Church’s understanding. The human person does not merge with some sort of impersonal divine force, losing individual identity or consciousness. Intrinsic divinity is never ascribed to humankind or any part of the creation, and no created thing is confused with the being of God. Most certainly, humans are not accorded ontological equality with God, nor are they considered to merge or co-mingle with the being of God as He is in His essence.

In fact, to safeguard against any sort of misunderstanding of this kind, Eastern Christian theologians have been careful to distinguish between God’s essence and His energies. God is incomprehensible in His essence. But God, who is love, allows us to know Him through His divine energies, those actions whereby He reveals Himself to us through and in His creation, providence, and redemption. It is through the divine energies, therefore, that we achieve union with God.

We become united with God by grace in the Person of Christ, who is God come in the flesh. The means of becoming “like God” is through perfection in holiness, the continuous process of acquiring the Holy Spirit by grace through ascetic devotion.

Think about this. Do you want to become more like God? If not, why

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