I am sure that it has become quite obvious to all those who have consistently read my Bulletin and also this particular article, the “call to holiness” is a call to understand human life and why life is the way that it is. In fact the discovery of the meaning and the purpose of life is the particular goal for our present life on earth. Human life, as God created it, is first and foremost meant to be a time of learning about our relationship with God and the rest of creation. We can be sure that God had a “REASON” for creating us and the universe. We believe that all of creation came into existence in accordance with a Divine Plan. Creation did not come into existence by chance! There is too much order and design built into creation for it to have come into existence just by chance.

So the “call to holiness” is a call to believe in a Supreme Being that had and has a reason for bringing all things into existence and that also sustaining all things into existence. It would seem contrary to any real understanding

of creation to also think that the Creator brings things into existence and then lets them fade into non-existence, especially beings that are made in His image and given the real potential to grow in His likeness. If there is not eternal life for humans, what would be the real purpose of creating humans. It would be an useless exercise for God. Just like an true artist would not spend time creating a work of art only to destroy it once he finished it.

Our understanding of God is that He is an intelligent, loving being that only acts in a thoughtful and reasonable manner. To create something without a purpose an meaning would go against any real understanding of Who He Is. If He were different, we could not have a relationship with Him.

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