Christ IS Born! Glorify Him! Nativity 2017

My Dearest Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As we come together again to celebrate the great feast of our God’s incarnation as a human being, we realize that our faith is unique in the history of humankind. We believe that our God loved His creation so much that He decided that He would make us unto His image and grant us the potential to grow in His likeness. Because we are made in His image, we have free will, we share in His most important powers and we have the ability to cooperate with His Spirit to become the best possible version of ourselves that is possible during this lifetime on earth. Indeed He spared nothing to help us achieve the status as His children. He decided from all eternity that He would be with us, helping us to understand how to live this earthly life so that we might become all that we can possibly be. We actually believe that He came to show us how to live this life so that we might truly benefit from the experiences of life and spiritually grow. He could have created us with many different powers. He decided that we must have free will so that we, like Him, might be able to freely and voluntarily return His love. His intent was not to create robots or slaves, but rather free men and women who could freely choose to return His love. He voluntarily created us as we are so that we might share in His life in an intimate way. He unconditionally loves us and allows us to freely respond to His love. As we celebrate this great feast, we must ask ourselves if we truly are trying to understand this great mystery OR are simply just going through life without a clue about the meaning and purpose of their lives. So today I ask you to pause and ask yourself this serious question: Why would God become a human being? How did this action bring about the completion of His creation? It is truly my hope and prayer that all who celebrate this feast with me might come to know they are loved by God and also by me. Thanks to all who have supported me all these years.

Father Wayne

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