The Spirituality of the Christian East – 20140316

Saint_Theophan_the_Recluse_1I recently came across a wonderfully little book entitled Turning the Heart to God. It was written by Theophan the Recluse. I’d like to share part of this book with you and also add my own commentary.

Theophan begins by asserting that the main task on our journey to the heavenly Father – on the way to salvation – is to live in the spirit of Christ”. He succinctly asserts that the final goal of life’s journey is “communion with God.” This is the main purpose of life with all of its challenges. These challenges are but opportunities for us to progress in our personal transformation, which is the main requirement for our “communion with God”.

Theophan writes that “the way to this goal lies through faith in Christ”, together with constantly observing and keeping His primary commandment to: Love God and to love your neighbor as yourself.

While this way seems simple, it is difficult for most of us to just embrace it. Our souls, says Theophan, are “pulled by one passion or another” and is easily distracted from this task.

Think about it. It is so easy to make excuses why we are not going to love or forgive that person who hurt us or who doesn’t embrace the same morality that we do. Also, there are the exigencies of life that keep us from giving our entire attention to our spiritual growth.

Theophan maintains that we humans, by nature, are not necessarily disposed to automatically embrace the way of Jesus. He attempts, in his book, to first address this primary question: “How does one reach the point where the desire is born to move towards God by way of Christ?”

It must be pointed out that in addition to a “desire” to live as Jesus lived, it is “necessary”, says Theophan, to have the strength and the ability to act – that is, active wisdom”.

It is my hope that Theophan’s ideas and mine will help on your journey.

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