The Spirituality of the Christian East – 20140406

As we know, and Theophan affirms, the beginning of the Christian life is truly “established in baptism”.  It is a ritual which initiates us into a way of living and believing – into the Church of Christ. God, we believe, has given the Church the ability to provide us with help in living as Jesus lived.

Initiation alone, however, is not effective in helping a  person live as Jesus lived. To embrace the Jesus way of living one must become committed to embracing the way of thinking and living espoused by the Church, the community that believes that Jesus revealed the way God intended people to live in order to spiritually grow and experience the fullness of life.


Theophan suggests that a good number of initiated persons do not learn how to live like Jesus lived either because their parents didn’t take the time to bring them to church and make sure that they received a religious education OR they were seduced by society and its values. Many people seem to think that it is sufficient to just be initiated into the Church – that is receive the Mysteries of Baptism, Chrismation and Holy Eucharist. While these Mysteries open the doors to the Jesus Way, they do not force a person to embrace this Way. It should be pointed out that simple attendance at the Liturgy and the reception of Communion does not guarantee that we will be personally transformed. We must cooperate with the help that comes from God when we do these things. Thoughtful attendance at Church and humble reception of Holy Communion can greatly assist us in finding the ability to live like Jesus lived – to live as God intended us, as human    beings, to live.

Frequently our society can distract us from a real commitment to living the Way of Jesus. Our personal goal must be to live in accord with our beliefs and faith. Ask yourself: What do I believe about God and life?

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