Our Spiritual Journey Through the St. Philip’s Fast, December 4th

O Eternal God, Who has revealed to the world that You are Three-In-One and have actually, in time, taken on human flesh to assure me that you know the struggles that I must face as a human being, help me to understand the great love You have for me and all humankind. Help me to see that You came into the world in order to truly show me how to live in order to experience the fullness of life. Help me to also understand, as I think about Your birth as a child in a manger in Bethlehem, that the cultivation of true humility is one of the greatest things I can do in order to gain the true benefit that this earthly life is designed to offer me. Help me to prepare myself to celebrate the fact that You are truly with me, helping me to deal with the challenges of life. I ask Your help and offer praise to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.

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