Our Spiritual Journey Through the St. Philip’s Fast, December 5th

O Most Merciful Father in heaven, help me to continue my personal preparation to celebrate the great winter feasts. Help me to understand that in the events I am preparing to celebrate with others in my Christian Community – the events wherein You make Yourself manifest as a human being for the sake of my salvation – that these events speak of Your great love not only for me and other humans but for Your entire creation. You have filled all things with Your Life out of love for Your creation. Help me to truly understand this and do all in my power to cherish the Life You are sharing with me. Help me also, in response to Your great love, extend love unconditionally to all others. I know that the only adequate response to Your love is my love for others. I ask Your help and offer praise to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.

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