The Spirituality of the Christian East — 20150301

I believe that one of the statements in the last installment of this article bears repeating: Christianity was meant by Jesus to be a living experience of abiding in and loved infinitely by our Triune God Who is a community of love. I don’t know about you, but these words are so very important to me. It is truly my hope that this is the real message that I convey to all through my bulletin and especially in my ministry. I believe in the power of God’s love and believe that if people come to a true experience of His love they will do everything in their power to live in a manner that brings honor and praise to Him, our loving God.
In earlier centuries of Christianity, theology was the expression of a living, ongoing mystical experience of the indwelling Trinity. In other words, the study of God (i.e., theology) focused on the experiences that people, who were dedicated to the service of the Church, had of our living God. The central teaching of the Church revolved around the concept of Theosis, the deification of the Christian through the work of the Holy Spirit released by the risen Jesus Christ. In this process one becomes a child of God (1 John 3:1) and an heir, with Christ, of heaven.
We might ask this twofold question: What does it mean to be a child of God and an heir of heaven. It is my belief that each of us, who are truly intent in growing spiritually, must find   answers to this two-fold question for ourselves. I know that too many this may seem wrong since we have been led to believe that the Church has all the answers. Those that believe this way fail to realize that they, together with others who believe that Jesus was and is God incarnate as a human being, are the Church. It is in the process of finding an answer to such a question, with the help of the Church that we spiritually grow!
Think about your answer to this question

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