The Divine Liturgy and Our Worship of God — 20150301

Mystical Supper

Mystical Supper

As I have shared in this article, Holy Communion in the Eastern Church is still the same coming and presence, the same joy and burning of heart, the same transrational yet absolute knowledge that the Risen Lord makes Himself known in the breaking of the bread. As shared, the celebration of the Eucharist is incompatible with fasting. So why is Communion still   distributed during fasting days at the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts? Does this custom or liturgical tradition not contradict the principle of not celebrating the Eucharist during a     period of fasting? There is a second understanding of Communion that comes into play and that is its meaning as the source and the sustaining power of our spiritual effort. If Communion is the fulfillment of all our efforts, the goal toward which we strive, the ultimate joy of our Christ life, it is also and of necessity the source and beginning of our spiritual effort itself, the Divine gift which makes it possible for us to know, to desire, and to strive for a more perfect communion in the day without evening of God’s Kingdom. For the Kingdom, although it has come, although it comes in the Church, is yet to be fulfilled and consummated at the end of time when God will fill all things with Himself. We know it and we partake of it in anticipation. We partake now of the Kingdom which is still to come. We foresee and foretaste its glory and blessedness but we are still on earth, and   our entire earthly existence is thus a long and often painful journey toward the ultimate Lord’s Day. On this journey we need help and support. The Body and Blood of Christ becomes the essential food which keeps us spiritually alive, sustains us and helps us become Christ’s followers.

In several of the priestly prayers of the Presanctified Liturgy we pray: That partaking … [of] these consecrated Gifts … we may be united to Your Christ Himself…. We may worthily partake of Your Holy Things for the enlightenment of soul and body and for the inheritance of the Kingdom of heaven….O Lord…You have…made us communicants of Your dread Mysteries: unite us to Your spiritual flock and make us heirs of Your Kingdom….

Holy Communion is given to us during the Great Fast as a means of supporting us in our efforts to spiritually grow and truly become God’s children.

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