The Spirituality of the Christian East — 20151206

Ladder of Divine AccentI would offer some last thoughts on the 10th Step on John’s Ladder, that is on SLANDER. We have all known many people who secretly had committed very grave sins and had not been found out and yet, cloaked in their supposed goodness, lashed out against people who had done something minor in public. Those sins that are visible or audible tend to be the sins that are condemned most, while more serious sins are concealed and go unchecked.

To refrain from judgment is the surest path to forgiveness. There is a famous story about a lazy, sinful and disobedient monk. As he lay on his deathbed, an angel appeared to him holding a large scroll. When he unfolded it, the monk saw that it was extremely long. The angel said, “This is the record of your sins.” The monk replied, “Among all those sins, is there written the sin that I ever judged anyone?” The angel tore up the scroll and the monk left the world in peace to meet his Maker.

Thus St. John writes: Do not make judgments, and you will travel no quicker road to the forgiveness of your sins. “Judge not, so that you may not be judged.” While not judging can be enough to save even the most sinful of people, judging can be enough to condemn the most virtuous.

How easily we see the faults of   others and with what difficulty we look for the good in them! We ought to look for the best in people and we should never forget that we do not know the hearts of others, nor do we know all the circumstances of their life.

If we can overcome the passion of slander, we will certainly be on the blessed road of love and repentance. This is the tenth step and he who succeeds in it has spiritually grown.

Seek first to see your own faults and cast a blind eye on those of others.

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