By our Initiation into the Church of Christ, we have been called to holiness – we have been called to actualize the potential within us for   becoming more like Christ. In fact, this is the meaning and purpose of this present earthly life. We have been given this earthly life so that we might develop our spiritual natures and be more like Christ and, therefore, achieve what God intended when He created us. To achieve this requires, however, personal transformation – requires that we transform our imaginations, intellects, wills and memories to be oriented to God.

Imagination, intellect, will and memory comprise our minds or psyches. Each of these functions is given to us by God to reflect or image a part of Him and each is supposed to do something unique and good within us according to God’s plan. These functions at our birth are incomplete and have to be developed. Why? Because otherwise we could never come to freely and voluntarily return God’s love. They on their own can discover and cling to nothing of eternal value, nothing of all the important things for which mankind longs. Therefore, we must be reborn in Jesus for our minds to enter the Kingdom of God.

It is in His understanding of this truth that Jesus said: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me. He is the Way that redeems our wills, the Truth that redeems our intellects, and the Life that redeems our imaginations, so that, filled with Jesus, we can find our true selves and come to the Father, Who is the goal of our lives.

It is important, then to learn how to fill each of these functions of our minds with Jesus as a first step in our spiritual growth. We need Jesus to consecrate them to God and to cleanse them of all the unholy things with which we may have willingly or unwillingly filled them. Thus given to God and filled with God they can be used without fear that they will lead us astray.

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