As I have been attempting to share with my readers, the call to holiness is a call to see Christ in our lives and to help our memories so that we may freely come to know and love God. The first step in learning to pray healing of memories by seeing Christ in the events of our lives is to identify a memory that Jesus wants to heal now. We begin by seeking the Spirit’s guidance, for doing so makes the difference between using a mental technology and praying. If we were to select on our own the memory we wanted Jesus to heal, we would be in control of the situation, and whoever is in control is master. Since all healing prayer is aimed at allowing Jesus to more and more become our Lord and Master, we seek His Spirit to unveil the memory for which we need to pray.

To do this is, despite what we might think, not a difficult or complicated task. We begin with prayer, asking God to stir His Spirit and reveal what He wants healed in this time and place. We know He will answer this prayer because we ask Him to hear our prayer. Sometimes writing our thoughts down will help us to concretize our perceptions and reveal to us the roots of the patterns in our lives that need healing. But whether or not we write, we consider our lives by looking with Jesus to find the source of our pain.

So after we pray for guidance, we begin with the situation in our present life in which the Spirit has revealed that we need healing, and we see if there are any memories that are the roots of this situation. On the other hand, there are times we do not come to the Lord with a focused awareness of a particular situation in our daily lives. Then we can review in a prayerful way the persons, places and events of our personal histories, asking the Lord to let us know where He wants us to stop and pray for healing. The important thing is to allow the Holy Spirit to be in charge of the process by which memories are released from our unconscious, believing that He knows which ones need healing.

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