A real part of the call to holiness is a call to our personal recognition of God sharing His life with us. The call to holiness is a call to a deeper awareness and belief in the revelation that God has made to us about life and creation.

So the call to holiness requires that we attempt to find answers to several questions that we must ask of ourselves after real reflection. The questions are:


  • life-force within me is indeed God’s own life-force which He is sharing with me and all other living things?
  • meaning and purpose of earthly life is to grow in the likeness of God as seen in the human person of Jesus?
  • love of God is directly connected to love of my neighbor?
  • Kingdom of God is here right now and not just something that becomes real after death? and challenges of life are not tests or punishments but rather opportunities for me to grow in my relationship with God?

These are some of the important questions that each of us must find answers to if we are to grow in holiness. The call to holiness is a call to fully become the person God intended when He created you – to become a true child of God.

Our religion is not a bunch of silly superstitions or notions. It is based on the belief that God, in His great love for us, became a human person Himself, in the Person of His Son, to help us understand how to live in order to truly become His child and to achieve the fullness of life. Of course He leaves it up to us. He does not force us to do anything. He only reveals His love for us and shows us the way to live in order to achieve the goal of salvation – true knowledge of who God is, who our neighbors are, who we are and the meaning and purpose of life. We, however, have free will and so the choice is ours. What is your choice?

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