Understanding Our Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church — 20170108

In the Book of Genesis, we read that creation began when the Spirit of God moved over the face of the waters. (Gen. 1:2) Throughout the Bible, water plays an important and a ‘mystical role’ in human existence and in man’s relationship with God the Creator. Water has the capacity to produce death, as recounted in the story of Noah and the ark; or to produce life, as noted in the story of Moses’ striking the rock in the desert to produce water for the Jews wandering in the desert. While the waters of the Red Sea parted to allow the Hebrews to pass over in safety (and thus preserve life), the same waters came rushing upon the Pharoah and his army drowning them.

In the New Testament, we see water becoming the means by which the Trinity was revealed during the Baptism of Jesus. In the Baptism of Jesus, the spiritual significance and potential of water as the source of life is again revealed and reaffirmed just as in Genesis. St. John Chrysostom said in a sermon on Theophany, “On this day Christ was baptized. Through His Baptism He sanctified the element of water. Therefore let us all draw of the water and store it in homes, because on this day the water is consecrated.”

The solemn blessing of water in our Church is ritually magnificent. For the blessing, the great prayer of Patriarch Sophronius is combined with ritualistic actions which convey great meaning to what is done.

It must be remembered that water, a symbol of life, is used in this ritual. Although we bless a container of water, its symbolism is what is important. The ritual in many areas is performed at lakes or rivers. There are four distinct ritual actions performed by the priest, each repeated three times to symbolize that they represent God’s power: a three-branch candle is plunged into the water; the priest breathes on the water; the priest parts the water with his right hand in the form of a cross; and he plunges his hand cross into the water. All of these actions indicate our belief that God’s power and life-force penetrate all matter and living things. He is the source of existence for all of creation.

If you listened closely to the prayer that the priest prayed during this ritual I am sure that you had to be moved by its magnificence. It truly expresses our belief that God is the source of all living things and creation. We bow to His great love.

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